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What are your gifts? How can you best serve? What are you here to do and be in this life? Richard Leider has helped individuals, leaders and teams answer these questions and discover the power of purpose in their lives. He has worked with many Fortune 500 companies to help them understand the changing role of employers and employees, and how to develop the most creative, innovative organizations possible. "There is an inner-directed revolution afoot right now. At the very same time that leaders are needing to tap the natural productivity of the workforce, people in the workforce are having to look more at themselves as sole proprietors of their own career. The dialogue that is going on within corporations today is truly profound." (hosted by Michael Toms)
Richard Leider is a career counselor, the founder and Chairman of the Inventure Group, a coaching and consulting firm in Minneapolis, MN.
His books include:
To learn more about the work of Richard Leider go to www.inventuregroup.com.