Turning America On with Steve Bhaerman (aka Swami Beyondananda)

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For more than two decades Steve Bhaerman has shared his wit and wisdom in the countenance of Swami Beyondananda. In this dialogue he takes off his turban for some straight talk—not without a note of humor, but as himself, a crusader for the reclamation of our power as citizens of the United States. “People need to wake up. This is not a matter of Democrats and Republicans. It’s a matter of there’s been a huge brainwashing in this country. We’re up to deprogramming. That’s what this is all about.” With unflinching frankness he points to the ways our government is running out of control, undermining our democracy and creating a new world order based on fear and deception. From the policy of preemptive war to a wish for a “new Pearl Harbor” he cites the many atrocities being implemented by our leaders while our citizenry stands by unaware and unresponsive. But in the spirit of the Swami, Bhaerman has wordplay-laced wisdom to share, and now it comes in the form of a call to action. He outlines ways we can take action individually and through organized movements to take back our government and our country, so that it once again becomes the kind of superpower worthy of the respect of citizens of the world—all without losing our sense of humor. (hosted by Michael Toms)


Steve Bhaerman is an author, humorist, and workshop leader. He’s also known as Swami Beyondananda, the “Cosmic Comic.”

He’s the author of:

To learn more about the work of Bhaerman go to www.wakeuplaughing.com.

Topics Explored in This Dialogue

  • What you can do to inspire leaders in the Democratic Party to “show up” and hold the (then) current administration accountable
  • How you can circumvent the press to gain the attention of political leaders
  • How you can help create a force field to pray for the soul of our country
  • Why a "third citizen's movement" would be more powerful than either political party

Host: Michael Toms      Interview Date: 3/17/2006      Program Number: 3146

Music Included

From Album: Meeting Rivers
Artist: M Path
2000 Triloka Records TR-8-074
Tracks – Jaya, Parikrama, Madmen for God