The Sacred Story Of Evolution with Reverend Michael Dowd

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It's been a long, long time since a prophet handed down a sacred revelation to humankind. But that doesn't mean God has stopped talking to us. According to Reverend Michael Dowd, God now speaks to us through science, and facts are His native tongue. With a worldview that bridges the divide between science and theology, Reverend Dowd sees each new discovery as a message from Spirit, and evolution as a beautiful unfolding of sacred creation itself. He calls that world view "evolution theology," and describes it as "a way of seeing the universe's story as sacred. When we use the word evolution, what we mean is the history of cosmos, earth, life, and humanity as one sacred story, one meaningful myth-not 'myth' as an untrue story but as a narrative that puts us in accord with the universe, or helps us feel our connection to the whole." In this provocative dialogue he demonstrates how we can see ourselves in the context of space and time - nested within the whole of the universe on a continuum of evolving species - in order to gain new understanding of our failings as well as our divinity. (hosted by Michael Toms)


Michael Dowd holds a Masters of Divinity degree, is an ordained Christian minister, and former Baptist and United Church of Christ pastor. He has served on the boards of the North American Conference on Christianity and Ecology; the Ohio Conference United Church of Christ Integrity of Creation, Justice, and Peace task force; and the Hudson Valley Sustainable Communities Network. Reverend Dowd now travels the United States giving talks and workshops on a sacred view of evolution.

He is the author of:

To learn more about the work of Rev. Michael Dowd go to or

Topics Explored in This Dialogue

  • Why getting a raise might also raise your testosterone level
  • How modern science is revealing divine truth
  • Why all creation stories include images of night and day
  • What we don't know about ninety-six percent of the universe
  • How understanding the evolution of your brain can make you more compassionate
Host: Michael Toms         Interview Date: 3/25/2008         Program Number: 3252