A Celebration Of Choice with Melody Beattie

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Do you believe A should lead directly to B, and that if you follow this formula you will have control over your life? As a goal oriented, technological society, this formula seems to provide us with a solid sense of security. However, when we conscientiously do A, and it doesn't lead to B, what happens? Best-selling author Melody Beattie explores this and other questions about control, terrorism, the illusion of security, and how life-shattering experiences can lead us to transformation. Beattie contends that when we know what is going to happen we're not learning anything new. It's when life really begins to push against us that the magic of the journey really begins. She shares her deep experiences of grief over the sudden death of her twelve year-old son, and her slow process of healing. "My son's death was an introduction to the seasons of life, the ancient rhythm and way of things. There are so many lessons that transcend words, so many lessons that nature can teach us." Beattie emphasizes the importance of gratitude not only for the good things, but for the things we don't like or don't want. "When I see the lessons, that's when the universe dances with me." (hosted by Michael Toms)


Melody Beattie is one of the seminal leaders in the recovery movement. She is a popular speaker on the talk radio and lecture circuit and is a sought after guest on top television talk shows.

She is the author of the best-selling:

  • Codependent No More (Harper/Hazelden 1989)
  • Choices: Taking Control of Your Life and Making it Matter (HarperSanFrancisco 2002)

Topics Explored in This Dialogue

  • How you can benefit by surrendering to the unfamiliar
  • Where you can find the source of true security
  • How grief over the death of a loved one can be a transformational event
  • What you can do when you fall out of the "zone"
  • What are the three keys to successful writing
Host: Michael Toms         Interview Date: 6/25/2002         Program Number: 2950