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Our lives are filled with holding things together, making things happen, even resisting what is in front of us. We exert our willpower daily. How would it be if we shifted our focus from willpower to being willing? Barbara Leger says, "I saw the universe open to me when I opened to the possibility that maybe I didn't have to do it all, or even that I could do it all." In 1989 Leger traveled to Ukraine when it was still part of the Soviet Union. She was hired as a consultant to business and arrived with many assumptions about how she could be of help, and train people in business. Much to her surprise, it was she who got trained in the deeper meaning of "business with a human face," and the true meaning of conscious partnership. Here she tells the story of how to follow your dreams and allow them to take you on grand adventures. (hosted by Justine Willis Toms)
Barbara Leger is a Science of Mind Minister, and has established the TEMENOS: Center for Self Realization in Cherkasy, Ukraine. The TEMENOS Center sponsors an annual New Thought conference on the Black Sea coast of Crimea, Ukraine. She arrived in Ukraine on Sept 11th, 2001, and as of 2008, the center has over 200 students in accredited classes in 3 locations plus many others attending workshops, lectures and social programs. She has worked with business leaders, youth, and Science of Mind communities. Entering the grandmother phase of her life with a fever of joy and energy, Leger is dedicated to the emergence of a world that works for all (part of the larger Science of Mind vision) and the vision of humanity's growth and well being based on cooperation and harmony.
To learn more about the work of Rev. Barbara Leger go to www.scienceofmind.org.ua.