The Power Of Optimism In The Stories We Tell with David Mezzapelle

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We are a storytelling species; it is how we learn. Remember how we suddenly became wide awake in school whenever our teacher said, “Let me tell you a story.” David Mezzapelle has collected stories from a wide variety of people, each of whom express some example of courage and optimism. These stories contain what he calls, “positive forward thinking.” As he was growing up, he had an interest in the stories his relatives would tell. He says, “When I looked back, I realized that their stories had three things in common. They all had an element of an obstacle, an adversity, an element of perseverance, and they all ended with wisdom that was gained and ultimately shared.” This inspired him to collect and share stories that celebrate the human spirit, many of which he shares with us in this dialogue. (hosted by Justine Willis Toms)


David Mezzapelle is an entrepreneur and founder of Goliath Technology, GoliathJobs, JobsOver50, and Goliath–SilverCensus. He has worked with students and seniors as well as people of all ages in between.

He is the author of:

To learn more about David Mezzapelle’s work go to

Topics Explored in This Dialogue

  • How we must go beyond wallowing in the past, repeating a litany of regret
  • Why hearing inspiring stories from others gives us courage for the future
  • How imagination plays a part in the power of the mind
  • Why it is important to know our core values
  • Why it is helpful to find people you admire and list the things you admire about them
  • Why it is important to avoid toxic people
  • How we can find mentors and how we can be mentors
  • What are Mastermind groups

Host: Justine Willis Toms     Interview Date: 9/20/2013     Program Number: 3481

Music Playlist

From Album: Amber
Artist: Michael Jones & David Darling
1987 Narada #CD-1014

Opening Essay: Track 02 Sunshine Canyon
Music Break 1: Track 07 Shadows of the Moon
Music Break 2: Track 01 Rainfall
Music Break 3: Track 02 Sunshine Canyon (reprise)