Liberation Through Speaking with Lee Glickstein

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Sir Laurence Olivier suffered terribly from it. Public speaking is considered the number one phobia among humans surpassing fear of snakes and even death. What could be so terrible and why are we so afraid? Having overcome his own fears, Lee Glickstein, founder of Speaking Circles International, now uses his transformational speaking approach to help other people overcome their fear of speaking before an audience. In this rich and inspiring dialogue, Glickstein unravels the mystery of stage fright and as he does, we begin to feel our own fears dissolve. "The core problem of stage fright is not a speaking problem, it's a listening problem. When a person has an opportunity to put a priority on listening to his listeners, speaking happens naturally. It all starts with listening." (hosted by Michael Toms)


Lee Glickstein is the author of:

  • Be Heard Now: Tap Into Your Inner Speaker and Communicate With Ease (Broadway Books 1998)

Topics Explored in This Dialogue

  • How you can overcome stage fright through personal storytelling
  • Why people fear public speaking
  • How to let the audience bring the best out of you
  • What are the three "B"s of effective communication
  • What are the steps to an authentic speaking experience
Host: Michael Toms      Interview Date: 10/17/2002       Program Number: 2961