It's A Great Play with Peggy Rubin

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Peggy Rubin is Director of the Center for Sacred Theatre in Ashland, Oregon. Her professional theatre career includes, working in New York and Los Angeles, and 14 years as staff member, actor and education and public relations director for the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. Since 1986 she has participated in Jean Houston's world-wide multicultural workshops, as her principal associate, as well as her U.S. based workshops, such as Mystery School and the Human Capacities Program. She is a graduate of University of Texas at Austin in Theater.

She is the author of:

To learn more about the work of Peggy Rubin go to

Host: Michael Toms       Interview Date: 7/22/2010       Program Number: C0170

More from Peggy Rubin

The full one-hour version of this program is available here for purchase and download:

Looking At Your Life Through The Powers Of Sacred Theatre with Peggy Rubin