Genesis: A New View with Bill Moyers

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Bill Moyers is widely respected for accessible, provocative television programs that explore a broad spectrum of contemporary topics with depth and sensitivity. Here he discusses his original approach to broadcast journalism and his series “Genesis: A Living Conversation,” consisting of ten lively discussions about stories in the first book of the Bible. In these programs, he describes why these are among the most powerful stories in Western Civilization, and the fascinating process of uncovering their deeper, often controversial meanings. Moyers says, “Stories are the way we organize our response to the world…Listening to others, and having them listen to you, is a way to grow your own faith.” (hosted by Michael Toms)


Bill Moyers is a journalist and public commentator. He served as White House Press Secretary in the Johnson administration from 1965 to 1967. He also worked as a network TV news commentator for ten years. Moyers has been extensively involved with public broadcasting, producing documentaries and news journal programs. He has won numerous awards and honorary degrees for his investigative journalism and civic activities. He has become well known as a trenchant critic of the U.S. media (particularly modern, corporately structured news media). Moyers has been president of the Schumann Center for Media Democracy. He was the producer and host of the popular PBS television series The Power of Myth featuring his conversations with Joseph Campbell.

Bill Moyers' books and DVD sets include:

To learn more about the work of Bill Moyers go to

Topics Explored in This Dialogue

  • The compelling story of “the first murder”
  • How to read and understand the Bible effectively
  • A recipe for lively ecumenical Bible discussion
  • Whether to consider Bible stories true
  • Whether the Genesis creation story is anti-women
  • The power of stories and the human voice
  • Why “live” broadcasts affect you so strongly
  • Moyers’ memories of Maya Angelou and Joseph Campbell
  • Why religious discussion is needed on television
  • Moyers’ personal beliefs and what he has learned

Host: Michael Toms      Interview Date: 10/4/1996      Program Number: 2592

Music Included

From Album: High Plains
Artist: Philip Aaberg
1985 Windham Hill #WH-1037

From Album: Full
Artist: Rachel Bagby
1993 Outta the Box #OTB-0107