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Freedom comes from within, and the nature of living at full capacity requires seeing and transforming the blocks inside that hold us captive. This is the essence of this dialogue with psychologist Fadiman, who views himself as “seeing things differently, and I call it consulting.” Indeed, his perspective challenges us to examine how we hold ourselves back and to explore the possibilities for greater freedom and sanity in our lives. (hosted by Michael Toms)
James Fadiman Ph.D. is a former president of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, a professor of psychology and one of the foremost researchers in micro-dosing studies. He's the author of many books and is cofounder of the Sophia University, rooted in transforming the transpersonal. He's been researching healthy multiplicity for more than 20 years.
James Fadiman's books include:
To learn more about James Fadiman go to www.jamesfadiman.com
Host: Michael Toms Interview Date: 6/17/1987 Program Number: 2056