Exploring Microdosing LSD & Psilocybin Mushrooms with James Fadiman, Ph.D. and Jordan Gruber, J.D.

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Microdosing involves taking small amounts of psychedelics, like LSD and psilocybin mushrooms, typically every other day, to enhance physical health and cognitive function. Research, including participatory citizen first-person accounts, indicates that microdosing has alleviated symptoms of depression, ADHD, chronic pain, long COVID, and many other ailments. Here, we discuss protocols, legality, safety, and other collective knowledge. (hosted by Justine Willis Toms)



James Fadiman, Ph.D. is a former president of the Institute of Noetic Sciences and professor of psychology. He has been professionally involved with psychedelics for more than 60 years and has been exploring the practice of microdosing psychedelics in depth, drawing on new research and extensive personal accounts from individuals worldwide. He has developed the use of protocols. 


James Fadiman Ph.D. is the author of many books including:


  • The Psychedelic Explorers Guide (Park Street Press 2011)
  • Be All That You Are (Westlake Press 1986)
  • Unlimit Your Life (Celestial Arts 1989)
  • Essential Sufism (Robert Frager) (HarperOne 1999)

To learn more about James Fadiman go to www.jamesfadiman.com 

Jordan Gruber was awarded a J.D., which is a Juris Doctor degree, and has forged and sculpted authoritative volumes in forensic law. He has written, ghostwritten, and edited more than a dozen books in a wide variety of fields, including psychology, spirituality, finance, and personal development.


Jordan Gruber, J.D. is the author of: 

  • The Bounce: The Complete SuperBound® Guidebook to 21st-Century Rebound Exercise (co-author Joy Daniels) (SuperBound 2020)

To learn more about Jordan Gruber go to www.jordangruber.com 

James Fadiman and Jordan Gruber are the co-authors of:· 

  • Your Symphony of Selves: Discover and Understand More of Who We Are (Park Street Press 2020)
  • Microdosing for Health, Healing, and Enhanced Performance (St. Martin’s Essentials 2025)

To learn more about microdosing go to www.microdosingbook.com 

Topics explored in this dialogue include:  

  • What was the motivation for collecting this material and publishing it in a book
  • What is microdosing compared to high does LSD
  • What is the importance of first-person accounts of microdosing
  • What are some of the reported health benefits of microdosing
  • How safe is microdosing
  • What is the difference between pharmaceutical prescriptions and microdosing psychedelics
  • What are the legal issues of microdosing
  • How to find substances
  • What are the best practices and suggested protocols for microdosing
  • What are some predictions regarding microdosing


Host: Justine Willis Toms    Interview Date: 2/21/2025   Program Number: 3837


Music Playlist

Album: Other Worlds
Artist: David Darling

Opening Essay: Track  03 Other Worlds
Music Break 1: Track 02 Voyager (featuring Ty Burhoe and Jiebing Chen)
Music Break 2: Track 01 Amelia
Music Break 3: Track 08 The Walk Home