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Creativity and freedom come when we break the bonds of dependence and allow ourselves to stand as whole human beings without the need of external and artificial supports. This is everyone’s challenge, but especially so for women, since their voices and energy are so needed now, according to Thoele, a psychotherapist. She describes her own journey and how she was able to break the chain of dependence. Her insights and practical wisdom include addiction, fear and the “superwoman” syndrome. (hosted by Justine Willis Toms)
Sue Patton Thoele is a psychotherapist who never envisioned actually writing a book. But at the age of forty-five, a writing muse grabbed her by the scuff of the neck and would not let her go. By the time her first book was published, a passion for writing had taken root in her heart. Now, she is a successful mentor, speaker, and author of over a dozen encouraging and empowering books that deal with issues similar to those both she and her psychotherapy clients deal with every day.
Sue Patton Thoele’s books include:
To learn more about the work of Sue Patton Thoele go to www.suepattonthoele.com.
Host: Justine Willis Toms Interview Date: 4/3/1989 Program Number: 2131