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“How do we think in new, heroic ways that don’t connect heroism with violence?” asks Sam Keen as he explores the deep issues affecting men in today’s world: male friendship, relations with women, love and violence. His original thinking provokes us to take a new look at our own concepts of the masculine and feminine, and expands the horizons of our inner landscapes. “What we’re calling ‘the men’s movement’ or ‘the women’s movement’ isn’t about men or women,” he says, “it’s about a new way of being in the world.” (hosted by Michael Toms)
Sam Keen is an American author, professor, and philosopher who is best known for his exploration of questions regarding love, life, wonder, religion, and being a male in contemporary society. He co-produced Faces of the Enemy, an award-winning PBS documentary, was the subject of a Bill Moyers television special in the early 1990s, and for 20 years served as a contributing editor at Psychology Today magazine. He is also featured in the 2003 documentary Flight from Death.
Sam Keen is the author of many books, including:
To learn more about the work of Sam Keen go to
Host: Michael Toms Interview Date: 4/12/1991 Program Number: 2254