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A descendant of the MicMac Indians and tutored by Algonquin elders, Evan Pritchard has done much to bring recognition of this tribe's influence on the culture, history and government of the United States. The Algonquins are accurately called the "first people" of North America and Canada, living there at least since the Ice Age, and possibly before. This self-sustaining civilization had little or no impact on the environment for 11,000 years. Algonquin philosophy and spirituality is incredibly expansive, and centers around being in the moment. Pritchard feels "an emergence of the Algonquin way of life, which America is built on, and which makes America different from every other country in the world." He speaks of the "crossroads" we now face, and how the ancient Algonquins knew a time would come when, "What we do now matters more than it has ever mattered before." (hosted by Michael Toms)
The founder of Resonance Communications and Resonance magazine, Pritchard has also authored a wide variety of books.
His books include: