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Author/ethnobotanist/anthropologist, Wade Davis, has been from Borneo to Tibet to Haiti, from the high Arctic to the Andes and Amazon as an explorer of our planet’s wondrous cultural and biological diversity. He has found a fire burning over the Earth, taking with it plants and animals, cultures, languages, ancient skills and visionary wisdom. Quelling this flame and reinventing the poetry of diversity is the most important challenge of our times.
Participant: Wade Davis
Bioneers Series III includes the following programs:
The Bioneers series consists of three sets of 13 programs each:Bioneers Series I The Bioneers: Revolution From the Heart of Nature Bioneers Series II "Improving Environment By Changing The WorldBioneers Series III
Inspired by the philosophies of the Deep Ecology movement, the Bioneers are heroic examples of people living as if nature mattered. Join us as we look deeply into the magic and mystery of the convergence between leading-edge science and ancient wisdom for a Declaration of Interdependence for the new millennium. Though these programs were produced in the 1990s the contents of this series are timelessly relevant.