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"Ordinarily we are taught that the essence of who we are is our physical body. We begin and end at the barrier of our skin. But when you have an experience that goes beyond the physical world, it changes your perspective on who you are and your perspective on life." With this insight Paul Rademacher guides us to engage the world in ways that invite mystical experiences into our lives every day. It's not easy, he notes, in a culture where the dominant belief system is rooted in science and the physical world. But the direct experience of altered states of awareness is available to each of us - and more essential than ever. Without it we face imbalance in our personal lives and global crises loom larger every day. Rademacher explains, "It's this mystical underpinning that has the potential for peace in our world. But it also has the potential for us to engage our world in a much more gentle way; in a way that's much more sensitive to the spiritual nature, that is all around us all the time." (hosted by Michael Toms)
Paul Rademacher holds a Master of Divinity degree from Princeton Theological Seminary, and served as a Presbyterian pastor for fifteen years. He now serves as executive director of The Monroe Institute, dedicated to the personal exploration of human consciousness.
He is the author of:
To learn more about the work of Paul Rademacher go to www.SpiritualHitchhiker.com or www.MonroeInstitute.org.