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For ten years Sharon Mehdi struggled to write a book that she hoped would bring the world a step closer to peace. Then one day, after a months of writer's block, as she sat in a small cafe in Medford, Oregon, a different book began to write itself. It, too, was a book of peace, one she thought would be a simple fable for her newborn granddaughter. Two days later Ms. Mehdi had created a story that would literally take on a life of its own, to ultimately touch hearts and minds of people all over the world. It begins, "On a buffety, blustery early summer day, when the news was bad and the sky turned yellow, a strange thing happened in the town where I live. That morning, two grandmothers who had never met, not even by accident, put on their summer Sunday clothes, their most comfortable shoes, and their favorite sun hats and walked to the park in the center of town." Beautiful as that story is, the story of how the book was born and the impact it has had all around the world is even more moving. It underscores the ways each of us can make a difference when we are open to all possibilities. (hosted by Justine Willis Toms )
Sharon Mehdi is a writer, teacher, healer, mother, and grandmother. She had lived and worked in Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Guatemala, Mexico, Spain, France, and Canada.
She is the author of:
To learn more about the work of Sharon Mehdi go to www.grandmotherbook.com.