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The head of the Sufi Order in the West speaks to the spiritual crisis of the times. In a deep and moving way, Pir Vilayat brings us back to the heart of the matter, where resolution and transformation are possible. (hosted by Michael Toms)
Vilayat Inayat Khan (June 19, 1916 – June 17, 2004) was a teacher of meditation and of the traditions of the East Indian Chishti Order of Sufism. His teaching derived from the tradition of his father, Inayat, founder of The Sufi Order in the West, combined with western culture. He taught in the tradition of universal Sufism, which views all religions as rays of light from the same sun. In 1975 he founded the Abode of the Message, which serves as the central residential community of the Sufi Order International, a conference and retreat center, and a center of esoteric study.
He is the author of:
Host: Michael Toms Interview Date: 10/23/1980 Program Number: 1568