The Positive Side Of Chaos: Revisioning Organization Part 1 with Dee Hock

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In 1968, Dee Hock convinced Bank of America to give up ownership and control of their BankAmericard credit card program. The new company, called National BankAmerica, was a non-stock membership corporation equally owned by its member banks. The name was changed to VISA in 1976. Hock, then founding and operating Visa International described systems that are both chaotic and ordered, and used the term chaordic, a portmanteau combining the words chaotic and ordered. This is Part 1 of the two-part program with Dee Hock. (hosted by Michael Toms)


Dee Hock (born 1929) is the founder and former CEO of the VISA credit card association. 

Host: Michael Toms         Interview Date: 8/18/1999         Program Number: 2789