Poetry: Medicine For The Soul with Kim Rosen

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Kim Rosen is a lover of poetry—the words, the rhythm, the music of it, and especially the way it touches us in the deepest places. In her darkest days it was poetry that called to her, giving her solace, and leading her spiritual path. Now she rejoices in it, and lends her voice to its magic in a way that will remind you how moved you were the first time you met your favorite poem. Whether it’s been hours or decades since you sat quietly with a verse in your heart, as you listen to Ms. Rosen recite her own favorite passages you’ll feel that connection rekindled, the shamanic power speaking to your unconscious at a level beyond where any mere words can reach. That’s because, as she explains, “Poetry is our most ancient form of prayer. To people who think they don’t love poetry, if you’ve ever prayed, if you’ve ever loved a song, if you’ve ever loved a passage from the Bible or the Koran, you have loved poetry.” Join us for this conversation, and allow yourself to fall in love all over again. (hosted by Justine Willis Toms)


Kim Rosen is an award winning poet, spoken word artist, healer, and teacher, a graduate of Yale University, with an M.F.A. in poetry from Sarah Lawrence College. She has been on the faculty of Wisdom University, the Omega Institute, and the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health. She has delivered poems, lectures, ceremony, and workshops in a myriad of settings from the crypt of Chartres Cathedral to the New Orleans Superdome. Ms. Rosen is co-creator of four CDs of poetry and music, and author of:

To learn more about the work of Kim Rosen go to www.KimRosen.net.

Topics Explored in This Dialogue

  • Why poems affect you more deeply when you hear them read aloud
  • How your voice carries notes from all of your life experiences
  • Why there’s a spoken word poetry revolution going in on our country
  • Why we crave rhythm from the moment we’re born
  • How you can use poetry for transformation in the midst of a crisis

Host: Michael Toms       Interview Date: 9/17/2009      Program Number: 3317

Music Playlist

From Album: Naked Vision
Artist: John Singer
1991 Empty Bell Music #JS-04

Opening Essay: Track 02 Naked Vision
Music Break 1: Track 01 River Run
Music Break 2: Track 08 Summer Nights
Music Break 3: Track 01 River Run