Merging Science And Spirituality with Martinez Hewlett

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Where is the line between science and philosophy? Or perhaps the more interesting question is, where do they overlap? In recent years physicists have discovered that the closer they look at the fundamental components of matter, the closer they get to what can only be described as consciousness. For decades Martinez Hewlett has been exploring the places where the seemingly disparate worlds of science and spirituality meet. As a scientist who once thought he could understand everything in terms of atoms and quantum physics, he now recognizes that even rocks may have the capacity to experience the sacred. He explains how scientists and theologians everywhere are shifting toward new perspectives that bring them closer than ever to a worldview that encompasses the best that both have to offer. (hosted by Michael Toms)


Martinez Hewlett is emeritus professor in the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology and the Department of Medicine at the University of Arizona. He currently serves as adjunct professor at the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology in Berkeley, California.

Dr. Hewlett is the author of:

  • Divine Blood: A Novel of Science and Faith (
  • Evolution From Creation to New Creation: Conflict, Conversation and Convergence (coauthor Ted Peters) (Abingdon Press 2003)

Topics Explored in This Dialogue

  • How your spiritual views may in fact be supported by science
  • Why evil may not be what you've been led to believe
  • How science can help you understand human consciousness
  • Why it's so difficult to grasp the true nature of the divine
Host: Michael Toms       Interview Date: 6/29/2004       Program Number: 3054