A Rousing Manifesto of Faith with Robin Meyers

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"Real Christians take chances for peace. So do real Jews, and real Muslims, and real Hindus, and real Buddhists - so do all the faith traditions of the world at their heart believe one thing: life is precious." These are the words of progressive Oklahoma minister Robin Meyers who achieved instant Internet fame in 2004 when the text of his speech, given at a peace rally on the campus of the University of Oklahoma, spread like wildfire in cyberspace. In this dialogue, Meyers builds a rousing manifesto that will ignite the collective conscience of all whose faith and values have been misrepresented by the Christian Right. He gives voice to people of faith who believe that the actions and policies of this administration are decidedly immoral. (hosted by Michael Toms)


Dr. Robin Meyers is a United Church of Christ minister and a nationally known preacher, peace activist, and professor of Rhetoric in the Philosophy Department at Oklahoma City University since 1991.

He is the author of several books, including:

  • With Ears to Hear (Pilgrim Press 1993)
  • Morning Sun on a White Piano (Doubleday 1998)
  • The Virtue in the Vice (Health Communication Inc. 2004)
  • Why the Christian Right is Wrong: A Minister's Manifesto for Taking Back Your Faith, Your Flag, and Your Future (Jossey-Bass 2006)
  • Saving Jesus from the Church (HarperCollins 2009)

To learn more about the work of Robin Meyers go to  https://www.robinrexmeyers.com/

Topics Explored in This Dialogue

  • What constitutes a moral value and how are you a part of the design?
  • What is so radical about the Sermon on the Mount?
  • Why resistance causes change
  • How close are we to a fascist society?
  • What are three of the deadliest lies we are asked to believe every day?
  • How does unregulated capitalism implode upon itself?
  • What are the parallels between the Vietnam and Iraqi Wars
  • When it's okay to support the troops, but not the war
Host: Michael Toms      Interview Date: 7/6/2006      Program Number: 3160