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The "fin-de-siecle" phenomenon that arises at the end of each century is expressing itself in the "Gothic" sub-culture. Teenagers dress in black or in torn lace, wearing ghoulish make-up or face paint, as reminders of death and decline. Rather than making them morbid or depressed, however, they say this helps them live more joyfully and creatively. These four teens discuss how they became "Goths," how they express this style, and why. They describe how they are addressing the denial of death in our culture by focusing on "the beauty of decay" as well as immersion in life through celebrating the absurd and outrageous. Says Sorrel, "by giving the appearance of death and morbidity on the outside, I remind myself that all of our joys and sorrows are fleeting, and therefore it's very important to experience the moment fully, to be very creative, and to find joy in life." (hosted by Joan Marler)