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In the midst of the Superpowers and the Third World, a new vision is emerging of a Fourth World, encompassing small communities as an alternative to the notion that "bigger is better." Returning power to a personal level is one of the goals, according to Papworth, who offers an expansive overview of the plight of the individual vs. "giant ism." "Human scale and morality" need to be reintroduced to the political decision-making process, Papworth says, and he provides some useful ways to meet the challenge he so eloquently describes. (hosted by Michael Toms)
Papworth is the founding editor of the Fourth World Review, and for nine years was personal assistant to the president of Zambia.
Gregory McGee is a student of anti-nuclear political movements and spent a year in London working with Papworth.
Host: Michael Toms Interview Date: 6/7/1984 Program Number: 1878