Effective Questions To Change Negative Habits Of The Mind with Ora Nadrich

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Ora Nadrich shares a series of simple questions we can ask ourselves when we pay attention to our negative thoughts. Her “Says Who!” Method includes such questions as: Says Who? Have I heard that question before? Is this someone else’s fear? Do I like this thought? Does this thought work for me? Do I want to keep this thought or let it go? Nadrich gives many examples of how to work with these fundamental and effective questions. She talks about how to transform fear-based and worried thoughts into thoughts that serve our well-being and support positive action. (hosted by Justine Willis Toms)


Ora Nadrich is a certified life coach and mindfulness meditation teacher. A former actress and screenwriter, Nadrich retired to devote her time to exploring in depth psychology and various spiritual approaches to life, including Kabala, Buddhism, and Siddha Yoga.

Ora Nadrich is the author of:

To learn more about the work of Ora Nadrich go to www.oranadrich.com.

Topics Explored in This Dialogue

  • How her older sister’s mental breakdown changed the course of Ora’s life
  • How Jungian analysis helped her to uncover her unconscious fears
  • What is the “Says Who? Method and why is not a quick fix but a daily discipline
  • What are the series of questions to ask to release and replace a thought
  • How worry gives us the feeling that we are doing something productive
  • How addiction isolates us from one another
  • How our thoughts create our beliefs and our beliefs create the way we respond to the world
  • How to turn our thoughts into a “cheering squad”
  • What question can release us from being held hostage to a negative thought and how to replace it

Host: Justine Willis Toms         Interview Date: 2/10/2018         Program Number: 3635

Music Playlist

From Album: Prayer for Compassion
Artist: David Darling
2009 Wind Over the Earth #WE2340

Opening Essay: Track 02 Prayer for Compassion
Music Break 1: Track 03 Stones Start Spinning
Music Break 2: Track 05 Music of a Desire
Music Break 3: Track 12 When We Forgive