Peacemaking as a Way of Life with H.H. The Dalai Lama and Others

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This special preview of our 3-part series based upon the historic conference in San Francisco, "Peacemaking: The Power of Nonviolence" brings together the voices of those at the forefront of peacemaking in our time including Nobel Laureates the Dalai Lama of Tibet and Jose Ramos-Horta of East Timor. They are joined by distinguished social advocates and contemplatives, inner city youth and their mentors, artists and others who are concerned with the current epidemic of violence in our society and in the world. As you listen, the abstract concept of world peace begins to crystallize into specific attitudes and actions that each of us can apply in our own lives. As the participants examine the complex issue of Peacemaking as it applies to family, community, schools, society, and culture, an awareness of our inter-dependence arises, inspiring compassion and action for bringing about a more peaceful planet.


H.H. The Dalai Lama: Recognized at the age of two as the reincarnation of the thirteenth Dalai Lama, Tensin Gyatso was brought to Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, and, and enthroned two years later as the fourteenth Dlai Lama. As Tibet's leader-in-exile, he has worked tirelessly not only on behalf of the Tibetan people but as a voice for human rights worldwide. Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989, His Holiness is today universally acknowledged as one of the world's preeminent spiritual leaders.

He is the author of:

  • An Open Heart (Little Brown and Company 2001)
  • The Art of Happiness (Riverhead Books 1998)

Topics Explored in This Dialogue

  • The Dalai Lama's advice for creating peace
  • Linking spiritual and social activism
  • Treating violence as a health problem, not a judicial one.
  • How peace is a fulfillment of human nature
  • Why every person's effort counts
  • Getting our priorities straight - investing in peace, not prisons
  • Seeing all children as "our" children
Interview Date: 6/9/1997                  Program Number: S880