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Most of us are trapped in the stories we tell ourselves; they guide what we pay attention to. When we expand that story, our possibilities increase. Archetypes, such as found in the Greek myths, can help us identify and change a debilitating tale into a powerful one that shifts our perspective and changes what we are noticing. This can enhance our narrative intelligence and encourage us to tap into our potential. Pearson says, “Archetypal stories are not ordinary ones; they are more powerful than everyday stories because they’re carrying the energy of a human potential.” She retells the stories of four powerful Greek Gods and Goddesses, Demeter, Persephone, Zeus, and Dionysus, and how each can trigger a new personal story that helps us notice the opportunities, the props, and the characters that may have been invisible to us before. (hosted by Justine Willis Toms)
Carol Pearson, Ph.D. is an expert in depth psychology and transformational leadership as well as archetypal narrative intelligence. She has served as professor at several universities and colleges and also served as president of Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara. She was the senior editor of The Inner Edge: A Resource for Enlightened Business Practice.
She is the author of such classic works as:
To learn more about the work of Carol Pearson go to www.carolspearson.com.
Host: Justine Willis Toms Interview Date: 8/3/2016 Program Number: 3591
From Album: WeyaArtist: René Jenkins2014 VibeTherapy Records, www.VibeTherapy.org
Opening Essay: Track 04 Water DropsMusic Break 1: Track 03 Udu Moi NoodlesMusic Break 2: Track 01 KoiMusic Break 3: Track 04 Water Drops (reprise)