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Imagine eating a delicious, healthy lunch in a cafe with friends and taking the time to savor every bite. Then imagine stuffing a burger down, drops of grease falling in your lap as you drive down a crowded freeway back to work. It's not hard to realize which of these scenarios is kinder--not just to your body but to your soul. Deborah Kesten notes, "Every world religion and tradition espouses bringing moment-to-moment mindfulness and non-judgmental awareness, to every aspect of the meal. Buddhists believe this is one path to enlightenment." Kesten explores the connection between a loving consciousness and food--how food affects our moods, the history of some of our eating habits, and how "spiritual nutrition" enables us to establish a healthier relationship with food, combining ritual, intention, spirit and love. A nutritionist and writer who specializes in preventative medicine, Kesten travels the country giving seminars and workshops on the connections among food, spirituality and health. (hosted by Michael Toms)
Kesten is the author of: