Soul Capital: Wealth To Live By with Danah Zohar

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What would it take to shift our culture away from anger, fear and greed, and toward the higher motivations of exploration and cooperation? What if five or ten percent of people could commit their authentic selves to a life of higher service? Danah Zohar believes that's all it would take to save us from the violence and destruction that face the world today. Drawing on principles of quantum physics and philosophy, she outlines the powerful impact we can have on our culture, our businesses, and our personal and global relationships when we allow our spiritual intelligence to guide us to live according to our greatest sense of meaning and purpose. "We who live at the beginning of the twenty-first century are living in a time that is at the edge of chaos, between a known and certain past and a very uncertain future. The edge of chaos is a very exciting place to be, but it's very unstable. It's like walking a tightrope." (hosted by Michael Toms)


Danah Zohar is a scientist and philosopher. She studied Physics and Philosophy at MIT and did postgraduate work in Philosophy, Religion & Psychology at Harvard University. She is Visiting Professor in the College of Management at Guizhou University in China. She advocates quantum physics as a guiding metaphor for personal psychology and corporate and social organization. Zohar is the author of:

To learn more about the work of Danah Zohar go to:

Topics Explored in This Dialogue

  • How do you bring your personal authenticity into the world
  • What it means to have a soul
  • Where is the "God spot" in our brain
  • Why is relationship between spiritual wealth and physical health important
  • How quantum theory and chaos theory contribute to your understanding of our organizations and institutions, and help you develop a spiritual approach to business and work
  • What quantum theory can teach us about dealing with terrorism
  • What is the value of crisis, the importance of dialogue, and the relationship between humility and leadership

Host: Michael Toms      Interview Date: 7/9/2003      Program Number: 2997