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We live in an era where we are more isolated from one another than ever before. And yet, as Diana Leafe Christian tells us, "All of us have a gene for community, and we're yearning for that sense of connection and harmony and good will with others, living with shared resources and more cooperation than we do in mainstream culture." A resurgence of interest in joining with like-minded individuals and families to live in support of one another, sharing a common vision in work, play, lifestyle and spirituality, has led to a rise in the number of intentional communities around the globe. Ms. Christian has been studying the trend for more than ten years. She shares insights that will inspire many to consider embracing this lifestyle, and to improve the success rate for new intentional communities. A member of Earthhaven Ecovillage, a successful community in North Carolina, she speaks with enthusiasm about the many benefits and difficulties members face. (hosted by Michael Toms)
Diana Leafe Christian is an author, former editor of Communities magazine, and a nationwide speaker and workshop presenter on starting new ecovillages, on building communities, and on sustainability. She lives in an off-grid homestead at Earthhaven Ecovillage in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, USA.
She’s the author of:
To find out more about the work of Diana Leafe Christian go to www.dianaleafechristian.org.