Spiritual Revolution In Business with Paul Dolan

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Paul Dolan is a fourth-generation winemaker, former president of the well-known Fetzer Vineyards and instrumental in introducing American wine lovers to the diverse varieties of wines that now enjoy broad popularity, and in launching the organic wine industry in California and around the world. The simple techniques he discovered have opened the door to greater communication with and respect for employees, and created a context that allows exploration and discovery to thrive. As a result, Fetzer is more successful than ever, and has become a leader in establishing growing practices that sustain the land, the waters and the creatures that thrive along with the vineyards. According to Dolan, "What is important in leadership is to paint a very clear, vibrant picture of what the future can be for your organization so that everybody can see it, because if they can see it then they can be part of it." (hosted by Michael Toms)


Paul Dolan is an innovative winemaker and advocate of environmental stewardship who rocked the wine industry by saying that by 2010 Fetzer Vineyards would purchase only organically grown grapes. He believes that sound environmental and social practices are also good business.

He is author of:

  • True to Our Roots: Fermenting a Business Revolution (Bloomberg 2003)

Topics Explored in This Dialogue

  • How to tap in to the soul of a business
  • What are the simple techniques that inspire every member of an organization to contribute his or her vision of how things might be
  • How you can measure the growth of a business in terms of its contribution to the community, the individual, and the other creatures that share the planet with us
  • What is the difference between having a meeting and having a conversation
  • How can you lead by using straight talk and fun to create a model of respect and recognition of colleagues
  • What is the strength of "I don't know"
Host: Michael Toms     Interview Date: 1/23/2004      Program Number: 3031