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Is enlightenment really a possibility the contemporary world? What would happen if you truly surrendered to what comes your way, without expectation or attachment? Are the things you fear the source of trouble or beauty? At the age of twenty-nine, Jerry Wennstrom changed the course of his life in a way that brought answers to these questions and more. He was a successful New York City artist when he began to sense that something much larger and more important was stirring, waiting to emerge in his life. "I intuited something much more alive that promised nothing. There were no guarantees, but I intuited it was everything that was most creative, most alive. It was everything that I had been searching for with my will and whatever intelligence I had available. And so on the strength of that simple place, I went for life, and I destroyed the work and I gave everything I owned away. And it proved to be the most powerful thing and the most important thing I've ever done." What he discovered was a path to understanding and wholeness that brings the ancient teachings into the context of our modern world. (hosted by Justine Willis Toms & Michael Toms)
Jerry Wennstrom's life and work are the subject of the video In the Hands of Alchemy (Parabola 2001).
He is the author of:
Marilyn Strong is an ordained minister and a Jungian oriented spiritual counselor. She has created a CD of her chants, songs and drumming, Song for Sophia. Her singing can also be heard on the soundtrack of the video, In the Hands of Alchemy.