The Culture Of The Integralist with Steve McIntosh

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The Age of Enlightenment opened up human understanding to the external world in enormous, and culturally dynamic ways, such as what we began to discover in the field of medicine, or how we began to have a new understanding of nature. Steve McIntosh describes the integral perspective as having just as far reaching an effect on human culture. Through reframing and opening us up to the internal world a new era of exploration and discovery is upon us. As McIntosh says, "Through the integral perspective we are able to see consciousness, culture, values, and much of the internal universe with a new clarity that allows us to grab hold of the stuff of the internal world in a way very similar to the way the [age of] Enlightenment opened up the external world. The practical application of this is that we recognize every problem in the world, at least to some degree, is a problem of consciousness." McIntosh describes what is consciousness, how is it evolving, and how can we apply its strengths to the moral and practical problems we face on the planet today. (hosted by Michael Toms)


Steve McIntosh, J.D. is a leader in the integral philosophy movement He’s President and Co-Founder of the nonprofit, social policy and think tank organization: The Institute for Cultural Evolution. He founded the consumer products company Now & Zen and practiced law and held an executive position with Celestial Seasonings Tea Company. He is an honors graduate of the University of Virginia Law School and the University of Southern California Business School. Besides these accomplishments, he enjoys Olympic-class bicycle racing.

Steve McIntosh is the author of:

To learn more about the work of Steve McIntosh go to

Topics Explored in This Dialogue

  • What is integral philosophy
  • What are the stages of human culture and the values of each
  • What enduring human values should we keep
  • What are the different kinds of intelligences that humans possess
  • Who are some of the integralist philosophers

Host: Michael Toms       Interview Date: 11/26/2007      Program Number: 3227