Detoxing For Life with Elson Haas, M.D.

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Do you often need caffeine or sugar to get yourself through the workday? Do you have frequent neck or upper back pain? Do allergies plague your days? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are among the millions of Americans who suffer from toxicity. Over the past 30 years, Dr. Elson Haas has developed and practiced the concept of Integrated Medicine. Since 1975, he has been devoted to healing through the process of detoxification and cleansing. Dr. Haas considers detoxification to be "the missing link in the American diet." He is a physician who practices cooperative medicine, guiding and supporting his patients, rather than telling or dictating what is good for them. "Illness represents conflict. What are our bodies guiding us to do?" (hosted by Bec Kageyama)


Elson Haas, M.D. is an integrative medicine practitioner with more than four decades of experience. He’s the Founder and Director of Haas Health Online and the Preventative Medical Center of Marin (PMCM). 

He’s the author of:

To learn more about the work of Dr. Elson Haas go to

Topics Explored in This Dialogue

  • What is detoxification and how can it improve my life
  • How is traditional medicine different from conventional medicine
  • Why is the "Master Lemonade Cleanse" so powerful
  • How are food allergies different from food reactions
  • How getting away from refined sugars and tapping into nature can exponentially alter your life
  • What is the sensitive seven
Host: Bec Kageyama      Interview Date: 1/20/2006      Program Number: 3131